Conlangs that I have made
This page is sort of a hub for the conlangs that I have made. It will (hopefully) become more impressive over time, as I make more. Below you can find a brief overview of each of my conlangs, or you can explore them further in the subpages.
Vöttokipona is the oldest of my conlangs that I have actually published,
and it really shows. It is a dumb parody language, meant to lightly make fun
of VötGil and Toki Pona, two relatively popular conlangs. Though it was meant
to be lighthearted, I fear my presentation probably wasn't the best.
These two
(VötGil and Toki Pona) have been big inspirations for me during my conlanging
journey; I honestly just wanted to make a ConlangCritic parody video for april
fool's day. You can find that video in the Vöttokipona subpage, along with
more information on the language itself.
Laramu is my first (published) attempt at a naturalistic conlang. The
protolanguage's phonology was inspired loosely by the Inuit languages, and
its grammar was inspired loosely by Toki Pona and VötGil. Over time, the
language has evolved to now very much be its own unique language.
I made it as a start to my worldbuilding project, which, in its current state,
is very barebones. However, I hope to flesh it out with the langauges I create
for it.
Currently Classical Laramu, the language is in its third stage of
evolution. Soon, its speakers will begin to interact with speakers of other
languages in their conworld, which means me making more conlangs and Laramu
(hopefully) becoming even cooler!
GutTak is a weird case. The langauge is my spiritual successor to Vöttokipona, meant to be a relatively universal artlang I can use to express myself and communicate with others who may speak it. I have yet to publish anything about it, as I am still working on making it a language that I like and